Wednesday, 21 May 2008

A new type of card

I was reading the online BBC news and i came across a very unusual article. A controversial new "right to die" card is being offered to the public that allows anyone to refuse treatment in a medical emergency: it's the Advanced Decision to Refuse Treatment (ADRT) card

Full article

I have never had clear views about euthanasia (which essentially that's what the card is), possibly because I have never been in a position where I had to make such a decision, or maybe because of my naive way of seeing life, i don't understand why someone would want to end it.

So basically if something happens to you and you are carrying one of these cards, it tells doctors that they should not do anything in case you have had an accident or have an illness. It makes me wonder if this is just an easy escape. What if all you are doing is cutting your chances of living longer? What if doctors could do something to make you OK?

As I write these lines, it makes me think of Jane Tomlinson who after being diagnosed with cancer decided to fight for life until the end and in the process raised lots of money for cancer research, run more marathons than I will ever run in my life and showed that living is worth fighting for.

So I decide that I choose life. I believe it is worth living and fighting for life. I don't think you will see me carrying one of those new cards. I want to believe that if a doctor finds me, they will do all they can to make me live and that they will also choose life.

1 comment:

Carlos said...

Please watch Mar adentro about the live & dead of Spanish Galician countryman of yours Ramón Sanpedro. I change my perspective when many years ago (this time I'm sure it was about twenty or more years ago -- long before the film was made) I saw a major research news report about him at RTP (the Portuguese public television broadcasting station). Before that and a few other similar stories, in general terms, I was against euthanasia.

Somehow I'm shame to say -- but if it is about being honest -- when my very dear Father was passing way and suffering so much... this could have cross my mind. Just crossed. Because first of all what I saw and felt most was my Father will of living. At least a little bite more. What very much goes against the general concept. Therefore the specialists tell us that there are different forms of "clinical assisted dead". That's why this is a debate where I can't commit to one single general principle.

Any way, this comment moved forward the (single) subject of your article/post: the ADRT. People who choose to carryout one of those new (in May 2008 :-) ) card should be respect for their believes, whatever they are. Aside from that, we -- our Society -- decided to choose life.