Friday, 20 June 2008

The search is over.....

And just when I thought that I couldn't do it anylonger and I was completely exhausted and tired of reading my CV and making job applications..... only then, I found a job!!

The search has been long but worth it. The market at the moment is in a funny place. There are lots of jobs out there and apparently not many good candidates. It seems like people don't want to be moving at the moment due to the economic situation.

On the other hand, my experience after talking to recruitment agencies is that the jobs might desappear as fast as they appear, companies are rethinking their internal needs and deciding whether they really need that position or if maybe it can be covered internally and therefore save themselves some pounds.

Recruitment is definitely an area that is joining the credit crunch economic situation. I think we will see more of it, as companies have more pressures and need to meet financial objectives.

For the time being.... I have a job!! and I shall enjoy it while it lasts!


taniapsa said...

Congratulations Loli! so where will you be working? when do you start? fabulous news!! x

taniapsa said...

my, how long its been since your last entry.....subtle huh? :)

Carlos said...

It makes all the difference!