Monday, 5 October 2009

Leaving London

If someone is last minute, that's me. I have completely underestimated how long it would take me to pack all my house! So there are still lots of things lying around in my bedroom and living room. Poor Piers he's going to do a couple more trips to manage to take it all to his house.

It's amazing the amount of things that we accumulate over the years, when in reality it's very few what we use on a day to day basis..... de-cluttering is the word!

The good news is that I have all i need to take with me, and possibly more than I need (not a surprise there!.. just in case!). I haven't packed it all yet, so I'm not sure what the weight of my big backpack is going to be!

First stop: Beijing. My flight leaves at 16.40 today (how exciting, i'm finally going to Terminal 5 in Heathrow!) and I arrive at 9.30 tomorrow morning. I can see it's going to be a long flight! In Beijing lovely Lucy is picking me up at the airport. But more on this later!

I better stop procrastinating and continue packing.

Big hugs from very cloudy London.


Andrea Montuschi said...
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Andrea Montuschi said...

Enjoy your trip Loli, we all envy you a lot!!!!

Un abrazo,
Andrea, Claudia y Luca :)

Carlos said...

tell me about it... Bahhhh! You're hired for the next time I'll have to do it. :-)